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Smart Tweezers Bluetooth ST5S-BT

Smart Tweezers Bluetooth ST5S-BT

  • National Instruments LabVIEW® environment

    LabVIEW® today is the de facto standard for instrumentation connectivity in the modern lab through the high quality and breadth of instrument drivers.

    Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT LabVIEW® instrument driver allows to seamlessly integrate the LCR meter in the lab environment and use extensive LabVIEW® capabilities for data logging, database storage, charting and passing to the connected equipment.

    Smart Tweezers ST5S Bluetooth (ST5S-BT), is based on our flagship Smart Tweezers ST5S professional quality LCR meter.

    Smart Tweezers ST5S features the most extensive functionality and set options, as well as the highest 0.2% basic accuracy in the Smart Tweezers family.

    The Smart Tweezers Bluetooth model streams key measurement readings to connected devices, allowing users to track their measurement results in real time and connects to the following:

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